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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Back to rambles...scrambles

Way back when, sometime ago, I posted the center of this pine needle coiled piece that I had painted for the day when I would get around to it!  Well, you can see in the above photo that finally that day came, although this shows it just before it was complete.  A couple more rows were added with a slight upturn and the final backstitching to make it complete before taking it as a donation to the auction spoke of previously.  Just wished to let anyone that does follow the blog know that, once in awhile, a long overdue project does reach completion!  Whew.......scratch that off the "to do" list.
Currently I am working on another pine needle coiled piece, also, with a wooden center that I painted (recently) that will go to my favorite niece.  

Wooden plaque with Mt. Rainier
oil painting

Currently there are about 12 coils completed with a fair amount yet to go.  So....if your curiosity is peaked, please tune in later for an update either on progress or perhaps even it's completion.  Until next time, do take care of yourselves and enjoy the flowers to come.

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