Bloggen along.....
OK....tried and tried to "copy/paste" Blue Mountain Photo Club's newsletter so those interested could keep track of activities. Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't. This time it did not. Thus shall just let you know the meeting date and where:
Trinity Lutheran Church
109 S. Rooselvelt
Walla Walla, WA
Third Thursday of the month @ 6:30 p.m.
As many of you know this is a fun, active group of people that schedule many events, opportunities, competitions and learning experiences.
What now??? |
As our weather improves, creative juices are thinking about restarting for me. The possibilities of what to either finish....or start are many. What if I want to do it all? What about that 'other stuff'? You know, eating, making the bed, dishes, sweep, dust, vacuum, spending time with my girls (chickens,) speaking if spoken to,etc. So many possibilities for interruptions and breaking that magic spell or flow (if so lucky as to have a magic flow.) OHHHH.....see what is happening here? Sabotage!! Yep, that's it. Self-sabotage. How often do we practice this? Guess I recognize it because, not only do I practice it, DO it way to often. How about you? Are you practicing or doing?
Oh, h_ll's bells. Too old to keep worrying about how much gets done. Or not done. Do what is necessary, skip the rest (sort of) and enjoy. Creating is not only enjoyment, it is therapy. I NEED a little therapy. Do you?
Here's one for you to ponder. Grabbed these at a recent yard sale. Why? Possibilities. Creative possibilities, no less. Do you see it? If not stay tuned and see what happens.
Be well. Go forth and create art.
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