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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Bright Lights?????

Courtesy Blue Mountain Photo Club

Officially guess lights can brighten as our spirits (supposedly) soar.  Tis the Season to Wish One & All Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanza or whichever political correctness one prefers.  It is so difficult to be "correct" these days.  I long for simpler, by-gone times.

Speaking of Blue Mountain Photo Club, a little information sharing from their monthly newsletter follows.  Photographers "heads up" so to speak in case you might be interested in joining this very nice group of people.  Will not allow copying and pasting, but basics are:

Meeting change for December has changed to the 13th @ 6:30p.m. located at: 
109 S. Roosevelt, Walla Walla, Washington 
Photo opps:  Light Parades
December 1st . Downtown Walla Walla 6:00 - 7:00
December 2nd.  Waitsburg, WA  5:00
December 6th . Collage Place, WA  5:30

Having used the "easy access networking" page offered I can attest to the fact that I, personally, have come away a very satisfied customer!  Did a little scrolling down the list, used link of selected vendors and wa la--those vendors were amazing!  No fuss, no muss.  All items arrived promptly, packed so carefully with handcrafted love.  Delighted to find some surprize little extra tucked among their wrappings as an added touch showing their appreciation.  Now that is special, don't you think?  I highly recommend (and urge) taking advantage of this extra page I chose to add to this blog.  It continues to grow as I encounter more individual handcrafting vendors.  (Found a couple today!)
Now...if per awful chance, you should try this and do come across an issue, please advise me.  I can hit the "deleat" key as the intent is to continue an atmoshere of "sharing and caring."  We must play fair and be gracious.

As for me, am working on a couple new art pieces that will go to Holiday Market with me next week, December 8th from 9:00 - 4:00 at the Walla Walla Washington Fairgrounds.  This is a HANDMADE only show and the last one for me this year.  Hope to make it a good one.
Enjoy and be well.

P.S.  The girls (and Lulu) say "hello."  Merry Christmas


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