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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Little Bleep....

Painted by:  Sue H.

Are these just cute or what?  They are happy little rock paintings created by a "new" friend and brought to me as a hostess gift.  In theory, these rocks are painted by numerous area artisans and hidden in nearly plain sight in a couple of small towns in our area.  They are intended to bring smiles to the finders who will, hopefully, post on Facebook that they are the recipient of these assorted little gems!  Thank you, Sue!  I love them!  It is a pleasure to have another someone to meet with for, so called "shop talk," and the sharing of ideas and tips!!

Almost too late, but for local photographers below is posted the Blue Mountain Photo Club newsletter and meeting information:

Meetings @ Trinity Lutheran Church 109 S. Roosevelt. 6:30 p.m.
The club voted to go to one business/ competition meeting per month which will be the 3rd Thurs of each month.
Officers for the coming year are Jerry Fincher – President,
Andy Anderson – Vice President, Fran Walker – Treasurer,

Lori Montgomery – Secretary,
Bob Baker – Member at Large
Ed Gustamante – Member at Large

Andy Anderson has taken over as Chair for Electronic Image competition.
Donna Lasater will continue as Print Chair. photographer friend, Jeri A., thank you so much for bringing your friend, Sue, to visit and for both of you sharing all your creative inspiration for an afternoon.  We must do this again soon.  Good for the soul and the spirit!  
As to the new "easy access networking" page.  Seem to be having difficulty with it staying in place (apologies) and finding the right headings to link some of you under for an accessible site.  Often come up with "site not found," upon testing page.  As I scroll Facebook, many of the new, creative people I have connected with do list a Facebook or Etsy shop.....alas, when I post it, it will not connect!  If you should see this, please leave comment with accurate link and you will be added!  In the meantime, "if at first, you do not succeed, try, try again," will be my motto as we grow the list.

Thank you for stopping take care and enjoy your days.

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