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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Found a few things

Mixed media collage 36"X 48" Canvas 

Mixed media collage 8" x "10" Canvas
Pioneer Days in Weston, Oregon - Saturday, June 3rd and these two new pieces will be in my booth, plus a mystery collage just finishing TODAY!  I have been feeling very content with the freedom of collage recently and my style continues to evolve.  Some of them include a form of Citra Sol art, another new media a friend introduced to me.  So much fun, we were like "kids" the day she came over to show me, as we oh'ed and ah'ed all afternoon!
Discovered a new site with a variety of home-style information written in a fun way, worth checking out.  (in the side-bar) or: 
She informed me why I should, "sit with my chickens!"  Have not mentioned how well the girls seem to be doing in some-time.  Not sure they are 'my' chickens or if they actually belong to our border collie, LuLu!  She loves them!  
"Lulu" and 'her girls.'
 Guess in order to access the site, "Handmade By Me," one must be on Facebook first.  Since 'my manager' is optimizing my on line presence, yes, I am back on Facebook.  However, it has allowed me to now have items listed on "Handmade by Me."  (Ulterior motive at work,  although the temptation to regress back into a full blown Facebook addict is strong, I am trying hard to resist all the rhetoric, utter garbage, bigotry, hate and obsessiveness we seem compelled to share!)  There!  So, if one desires to participate in a "Handmade by Me" site use your Facebook account to check it out.  

We are still working on upgrading the
website hoping to provide an online buying option!  Afterall, one runs out of closet space eventually to store all the things we just have to create. 

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