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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Full of Color.....and culture

Native American Pow Wow last weekend at the Wildhorse Casino near Pendleton, Oregon.  It was wonderful to watch the Grand Entry, Circle Dancing and then some of the Dance Competitions.  The Drumming, in my opinion, as a
"wanna be" native, was outstanding.  Long have I been attracted to native ways as they once were, thus seeing so many honor their culture was heartening.  Old ways, we seemingly have tried to remove from their heritage are yet honored and appreciated by many tribal members.  All too often we are quick to pass judgement and dismiss the ways of those that believe in a different way without even a willingness to examine and learn the "whys and wherefores."  Why is it such a surprise that often there is disrespect and even hatred toward such judgements?  Why, "never the (thane?, twane?) shall meet?  We wouldn't need wars if we honored "live and let live,"  in a sustainable fashion and just lived our natural lives, would we?

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