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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Coiled, waxed, resin, gemstones & bumblefoot

Sooo, how was your July as it flew by in the wink of an eye?  
Know the weather patterns have varied for nearly all,  from pouring buckets in some places to scorching, burning heat and all things in-between.  And climate change is not real, so some say.  

Well, here where we live never did we give a thought to the danger of beautiful wheat fields all around, especially the one right out our back door.  Now, as it dries more and more with each day, we think.....and worry.  Of course, the farmer was here first and we need farms.  Fires we do not!  The speed of a wheat fire is amazing.  Lucky again this year.  Rotations put a bit of space between with a small area of green peas planted.  Believe me when I say a garden hose would be of little help in a wheat fire.  As harvest continues in these temperatures we see plumes of smoke around and feel so sorry for anyone near.

Now, with one eye looking out and the other in, a big coiling project left for it's new home at my niece's house.  She has been waiting years for her Mount Rainier painting and loves the coiling so you know that ole saying, catch "two birds with one stone."  (I never would "kill" a bird!)  Will post a photo of finished product once it reaches her wall!
In the meantime let me show you a piece of before and waxed.

Notice, ugliness on the right image--scary, until you place whole piece in oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes!   The beeswax performs miracles.  The shades of color on the pine needles seem to become uniform and all floppiness disappears leaving a firm, lifetime piece many choose to call "heirloom."  Hopefully, my niece's piece will meet that definition.   
Ohhh, it has arrived at new home and she was happy, so I am happy!

Now, what next.  Did resin some gemstones for centers of future projects.  Encasing them in resin allows a lip to form 
(if your careful) so that holes can be drilled.  A sewing needle fits through the holes to anchor the center to the coiling at the beginning.  Plus resin enhances the beauty and colors and protects the stone.
after pouring resin prior
to cutting apart
up close after

Matching thread colors and letting the stone's shape talk, dictating a design is the fun part.  Once the holes are drilled around the outside edge, ready, set, & go!  Wonder how each will appear as a finished project?
See a favorite?  Let me know and we can talk!

As to our girls (hens,) we actually treated bumblefoot ourselves worked!  Five of them wore bandages on their feet, were confined to quarters, and seemingly are healed!  They are grateful--we are grateful.  Could not have done it without (ugh) technology.  The information at your fingertips!

For photographer friends:  Blue Mountain Photo Club
Meetings 3rd Thurs of each month. Trinity Lutheran Church
109 S. Roosevelt. 6:30 p.m.
Competition entry viewing and comments. Also bring 7 images, print, thumb drive or send them to me for sharing. Theme “dog days of summer” or anything you wish.
Photo Opportunities –
Fran Walker is at Rainier now for information call her. 509-520-7534

Report - Iron Creek Falls area out of Randall WA – Mass variety of mushrooms.
Aug. 8,9,10 Seattle.
Pike Market, Aquarium, Gas Works Park, etc. contact Lori for information.
Oct 5-7 2018 4Cs Convention North Bend/Coos Bay, OR registration open
Winter in Yellowstone with John Clark. Date to be determined, contact John if interested.
If you have a suggestion for a photo opp. Please share.
News from Council –
Starting Oct electronic images can be 1400 h x 1050 vertical max 2 mg.
(call backs and invitational to the convention must be current sizing). Andy needs 10 invitational images – prefer 1 from ea. member. Reminder if prints are called back or invitational ( Donna needs 5 Color & 5 B&W) they must be mount/matted for convention.
July 2018 Newsletter
Competition Results; July19 Results;
No print results.
Electronic Image
Carrie Hendrix – Down & Out 13pts 2nd
Gone With The Wind 14pts 1st Fran Walker – Baby Toes 13pts 2nd
Road House 13pts 2nd
Kitty Kitty 14pts 1st
Lori Montgomery – Beach Berries 12pts 3rd
Helping Hands 11pts
Mountain Flower 2 11pts Robin Flint – Violent Delights 14pts 1st
Bob Baker - Columbia River 13pts 2nd Deschutes River 14pts 1st
Altered Reality
Fran Walker- Catch A Curve 2 14pts 1st Lori Montgomery – Apple Abstract 12 2nd
Carrie Hendrix - Shore Leave 12pts 1st
Andy will let us know
when the competition entries are due for Aug.
Enjoy the dog days of summer.
also check us out on Facebook. 

Likely will pull a real switch soon.  August, 24th, Eatonville, Washington:  Clicking link John Bratholm  will take you to Brown Paper Tickets for information and to purchase if you wish.
John Bratholm Memorial Music Festival, in honor of my-son-law.  My daughter, Denel, has always loved to write lyrics and sing.  She and her former band mate from years ago have teamed back up and formed the group, "Wet Heat."  For this event they have many other bands/groups joining together hoping it will become an annual Festival to fund scholarships for area youth in the art, music, drama arena in John's memory. 
Sports are well supported while creative spirits are hardly acknowledged.  Since John enjoyed entertaining in his daily life this is fitting.
 Photo's could appear here after August 24th featuring highlights from the results!
If anyone that reads this wishes to attend:
Program begins at 2:00p.m. Friday afternoon until????
Maybe next year it can be a Saturday if enough support is generated.

Whatever your own area weather is doing take care.  We are HOT!!  And DRY.


debbieg said...

Thanks for the mention. And I've officially retired, so maybe I can get in the "Making time" I need for sanity. Loved the before and after pictures with your blog.. Your art is wonderful and original.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on retirement! The "making time" truly does help with our sanity, I think. When whoever squelched creativity did so, they really hurt humanity! Maybe there is a turn around in the air.....?
Thank you, for the nice words regarding my art. Funny how becoming older does make us bolder. Far too long I was stuck in all I didn't know---now I, finally, feel free to just do. Right now the 'just do' consists of contending with our harvest! Not a big garden, but enough to keep me away from my room! Oh, well. My husband worked hard on his plantings and we do enjoy those fresh veggies and winter stores we are freezing and canning!
Best to you--again thanks.