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Sunday, October 29, 2017

One Down......

Okay, so the Weston Potato Show is over for another year and not a potato in sight as one man pointed out!  Well, wait.  Downstairs, at the book sale and lunch area there was yummy potato soup and a potato bar, while upstairs there were vendors with a variety of wares, Bingo and lots of screaming children.  Does anyone remember when screaming was reserved for emergencies or is it just me?  Today's parents don't bat an eye at that shrill, screeching sound that sends me nearly over the edge!  What I do appreciate at these shows, are the few parents that tell their children to "look with their eyes, not their hands!"  Now that is courtesy and, yes, a little rare.  When vendors have put hours of work into their items it is nice to not have to tell children to "please not touch."

Now, back to the "drawing board" so to speak.  Sold enough items that it is time to produce for The Mary Stewart Show/Wildones in Milton-Freewater, Oregon on Friday, November 10th and Saturday, November 11th.  It features a wide variety of vendors with many items for your gift giving over the holidays.  The alcohol ink coaster sets seem to be a popular item so those are on my agenda along with some other unfinished items sitting on my work table.  Too bad I have not busied myself with pine needle coiled baskets but no time now.  They take ever so long to complete.  Well, you know the saying, "best laid plans of mice and men.........."

Have not mentioned Daisy and friends? lately.  They are cohabiting on much better terms with only a brief squabble now and then.  Not to say that the 5 amigo's have totally given up picking on poor Daisy, but she can fly high and run fast.  Plus she still uses us as a shield when the chips are down.  Once in awhile Daisy decides to step outside the pen when we enter and take a little stroll nibbling fresh blades of grass for a few minutes.  Likely, she is a bit smug about this privlege and rubs it in a tad to the amigos.  Perhaps this is not too wise as they just might resent this and take it out on her when we aren't looking.

Imagine wherever you are you have noticed Fall is here.  Not my personal favorite time of year, but what can one do?  The garden is all gone, and fresh veggies will be greatly missed.  Cardboard tomatoes and slushy cucumbers are 
not worth thinking about.  Would rather do without!  Of course, we can rely on the frozen stash in the freezer and the canned goods as we look forward to the next growing season.  

Sooooo, that's a wrap for this time.  Wishing you all well and safe days ahead.


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