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Monday, May 1, 2017

Challenge Countdown

Remember awhile back my mention of two artist friends inviting me to take part in their challenge using 7 items.  We had each contributed 7 items, totaling 21.  We took turns drawing them, one by one from a box, amid much laughter, groans and "what will I do with that!"  We gave ourselves one month is up.  Yes, I procrastinated.  Ironically, we all chose to make a statement with our project and the concept came very quickly for me.  (For them, also.)  None of us saw the others project.
The issue at Standing Rock had drawn my attention and become important to follow as best I can.   How the Native Americans have been treated, and how peaceful "water protectors" were violated,  in my opinion is a travesty!  In this day and age,  to treat another human as they were treated during the height of the issue is outrageous!   North Dakota, Morton County and North Dakota Pipeline chose to be aggressive using men in armored vehicles, tear gas canisters, attack dogs, and violence to stop demonstrations. There were serious injuries to demonstrators.  Arrests were made with many court cases pending against Natives Americans, alternate media journalists, and other non-violent protestors.  Mainstream media's coverage was sparse and biased, as in bought and paid for by the powers that be.  Now, now.  Remember, "my opinion" and you certainly are entitled to yours.  My statement centers around this issue.  I chose to create a mixed media collage using the 7 objects and attempt to tell a story.  It even has a title, "Charades" due to the fact it, most likely, needs progressive explanation.  Out of curiosity, I chose to post my version of "thinking out of the box."  It was a great exercise making us think, not only in an artful manner, but really thoughtful!  My friends themed imaginations were amazing but not to be posted.  After all their effort at unveiling, amid oh's, ah's, and laughter they mentioned burning them!  Perhaps that is the best approach as none would fit well into modern decor despite all being profound!  
Below, just because, you will see photo's of the 7 objects used by me (my friends are shy) to create a mixed media collage.  If depiction is offensive, my sincere apologies.  It would be my ignorance and comments are welcome if anyone desires.

enlarge for full effect 

7 original items
mid-assemblage, died thread for hair

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