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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Old Crow

I love to watch crows.  Even when they gather for a crow caucus high among the branches of nearby trees they are fascinating, in spite of all the chatter.  During a wind storm as they catch an air current and soar higher and higher in circles, I imagine they are playing, or aspiring to see just what heights they might reach. Yes, I know they are scavengers, but then basically, aren't we all?
For sometime the drawing below had been floating in my mind and finally a few weeks ago, it emerged.  Also, love snaggy, old trees and faded, old wooden shingles. Thus, added them all together in this mixed media piece.  Mounted it on an old box end and put a leather strip border around the shingle.  The hint of turquoise and purple highlighting the feathers really doesn't show much, but it's there.  My crow is free to fly.

Old crow
Mixed media
Charcoal, conte'
crayon, pastels


Unknown said...

I love it. I like watching them too and one of my favorite stories to listen to has them in it and how a little boy had them as friends. It's 'Just David' from Thousands of free downloads and I have listened to this one dozens of times.

Unknown said...

Thank you for "loving it" and for the tip on the story. There is so much 'out there' with technology, never heard of Jotted it down so I'll remember to look it up.

Unknown said...

Your welcome. There are thousands of books there free for download. They are the ones that the copyright has run out on. We have downloaded lots and have quite a few favorites.