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Thursday, June 21, 2018

One More

Just for kicks, here is another finished collage.  Of course, reading the message might require a magnifying glass, but maybe it is just as well a secret.

Really, there is a 'statement' in there!  

Mentioning our chicken girls seems to have taken a back burner!  We still have, "Molly, Shy, Freida, Itty Biddy, Minnie & DAISY!"  For the most part (I said, most part) they have co-habitated, sort of......except "Poor Daisy" remains somewhat of an outcast.  Oddly, being on a roost seems to provide a safe zone!  No one picks on her when they are roosting or on the roost.  Go figure.  If any chicken mama's out there know, please share information!  The problem with that, of course, is the "five amigo's" wait for her feet to hit the floor and then she is fair game!  We shield her so she has a chance to feed and drink, but poor Daisy does not venture outside into their enclosed pen, and spends most of her leisure time high and dry!  We recently began finding an egg without a shell, or very soft shelled.  Suspect, poor Daisy might be tired of her status and her anxiety has again become an issue.  Or....since we do not live in their coop and are not present to make sure she has adequate time to eat, maybe she is malnourished????   Maybe, it is not even Daisy!  Everyone appears otherwise healthy and we feed them carefully.
Anyway, yesterday Daisy spent her day in the portable again.  She pecked and pecked, had plenty of feed and water and rested happily.  When bedtime came I carried her back to the mansion, safely to the roost and a good night was had by all.  We hustled at the crack of dawn to see if we could, at least, begin to solve the mystery of who did what!  Nope, too, late.  But.....the one and only semblance of an egg at that point did have a somewhat more distinct form of shell.  
Daisy we returned to her own little world, in her own little portable until bedtime tonight.  If she produces a perfect egg today....will our mystery be solved?  NOOOO...we have five more girls!  Thus, alas, back to the WHO DONE IT square?

And then there is "Bud," our indoor cat----outside.


Until next time I hope you have a fabulous day....and that you are well. 
Thanks for stopping and interacting.

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